Friday, February 10, 2017

The Condescension of Christ

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This week we began discussing the condescension of Christ. Majority of my life, this topic has gone over my head, especially when I was younger. But as I've grown and strengthened my testimony, this big word of "condescension" means a lot more to me than just a describing factor of Christ's atonement and purpose. 

In class we learned about Christ's gospel -- how the gospel is the overall everything of everything, and the doctrine is what makes it up, it's what we do.

From there, we began to study Christ's life from the beginning. We read through Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John's accounts on Mary and Joseph and the birth of Christ. We also touch upon how the condescension of Christ is the act of descending to a lower and less dignified state -- in this case, Christ waives his privileges, honor, and glory to come to earth and perform the Atonement to carry through the Plan of Salvation. 

"from His magnificent throne, Jesus Christ descended 
to face the most extreme humiliation and suffering
that mortality could inflict" 
- Bishop Edgley

Because this topic interests me so, I decided to go and research some more via There, I found an amazing talk, which I'm going to use here and add a few of my personal insights. I suggest everyone read it though, because it answered a lot of my questions and strengthened my testimony (read more here). 

Anyway, for this quick insight I want to start off sharing a few verses in the Book of Mormon, when Nephi sees the birth of Christ and asks the Lord for more knowledge on the condescension of God -- because even he didn't know all things (1 Nephi 11:13-17). However, I loved the question Nephi is asked, and like to ask it to myself: "Knowest thou the condescension of God?"

Knowest thou that the Only Begotten Son of God descended from above, leaving the his heavenly family and presence, to come down to this chaotic, sinful realm of mortality, just to be an Example, a Leader, a Teacher, but most importantly, a Savior. Christ knew that by coming down to this world, he would be scolded, rejected, and crucified. However, He also knew that He would be able to establish His church, teach the true gospel, and be resurrected for all mankind. He knew of the suffering he would bear and endure. He knew of all the sins, fears, worries, burdens, and tragedies he would carry on his shoulders so he would be able to succor his people, understand them, and aid their personal aches. 

Knowest thou that the Redeemer Jesus Christ, did all this for you?

"Here we have a glorious thing. Here we have exalted, noble beings
on a plane and status so far above our present circumstance
that we have no way of comprehending their dominion and glory,
and we have one of the, God our Eternal Father,
through the condescension and infinite love and mercy
that he has for us, stepping down from his noble status
and becoming the father of a Son after the manner of flesh.
We have that Son being born, that Son who was his firstborn in the spirit,
who had like power and omnipotence with the Father.
We have each of them performing a work that there is no way for us
to understand as far as magnitude and glory and importance is concerned." 
- Elder Bruce R. McConkie

The more I study the condescension of Christ, the more I realize how much we have to personally know our Savior and Heavenly Father. And the closer we become, the more often and deeper we ponder and search.

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