Friday, March 17, 2017

Be like the Woman of Samaria

Image result for woman of samaria lds art

"Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of  this water shall thirst again: 
But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; 
but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life."  (John 4:13-14)

I just have to share the insights from this John 4 that we learned this week! I found them remarkable. In this chapter, Christ is on his way throughout the lands preaching the gospel, when he decides that they must stop in Samaria. Though uncalled for and completely against the time's social norms, our Savior travels through Samaria and meets a very prepared woman at the well, who will soon help to share His truth throughout the land. 

Its the afternoon and Christ is sitting at the well. Normally, woman would come to fill water in the mornings and evenings, as it was a social activity and most efficient times. However, this particular woman was coming to the well in the afternoon when she runs into this Jewish man. It's interesting to think about why she would be coming at such a random time, but it's amazing to see how well it works in her favor, so have the Savior right beside her and all to herself as He teaches (though, she does not yet realize it). 

When Christ asks for water, this woman calls him a Jew at first, as it is strange to see such a man awaiting at the well and conversing with her, a Samarian woman. Jesus replies in a way that only one looking with spiritual eyes can comprehend, saying "If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water" (John 4:10). This woman's response puts me to awe -- she understands what the Savior has said and proceeds to ask, calling him "Sir" now, where he received that kind of water. When Jesus shares with her how that living water is everlasting life and one that will never go dry, she immediately asks where she can obtain this water as well. 

Now, here comes the interesting part (one that I've never yet realized until hearing it this week). Jesus asks the woman to bring her husband over to hear as well, and when the woman proceeds with how she does not have a husband, Jesus acknowledges that she has had many unsuccessful relationships. From her, the woman's reference of Christ now jumps from Jew and Sir, to "Prophet." Christ teaches her of a new covenant, one she can make with the Lord, one that will never end and never go away, one that will bring peace-- a peace that only the Lord can bring. The difference? This covenant is one of the spirit, one that communes with the Lord on a higher level, an everlasting level, one that promises peace and joy. 

When Jesus speaks of these teachings, the woman shares of how she knows the Messiah is to come. Jesus responds with, "I that speak unto thee is he" (John 4:26). The woman then goes forth into the city, sharing of her time with Christ and preaching that He has indeed come and to see for themselves-- in fact, she is so excited to do so, she "left her waterpot" (John 4:28). 

I just love the enthusiasm and faith of this woman -- within minutes of talking with Jesus, she recognizes his divinity and goes forth to share His word and His existence. Not only that, but within seconds upon hearing of a water which never runs dry--a promise of everlasting life and peace--she immediately wants to know how to obtain such a miracle. 

I love this story because, as I have more deeply studied it, I realize my desire to be more like this Samarian woman. I want to have such a strong desire to hunger and thirst after the words of Christ and eternal life, that I recognize them and immediately go forth with them. I hold to the promise in  3 Nephi: "And blessed are all they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost" (12:6).  Want a more constant, closer companionship with the Holy Ghost? Want a stronger relationship with your Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ? Then hunger and thirst after righteousness--immediately drop your waterpots and go forth with what you have learned; sit at the feet of the Savior and let him guide and uplift you; strive for that everlasting life and spiritually hold to the covenants you have made. The peace that comes in unimaginable, and so worth it.

"It is only this 'living water,' the gospel of Jesus Christ, that can and will bring a happy, 
a successful, and an everlasting life to the children of men." 
- Elder Robert L. Simpson 

"Elder Bruce R. McConkie defined living water as 'the words of eternal life, 
the message of salvation, the truths about God and his kingdom; 
it is the doctrines of the gospel.' 
He went on to explain, 'Where there are prophets of God, there will be rivers of living water, 
wells filled with eternal truths, springs bubbling forth their life-giving draughts 
that save from spiritual death." 
- from Elder Wirtlin's talk

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